Blooming the mind in the city: How urban agriculture supports mental health


  • Katia Hernández Moreno Laboratorio de Estudios Transdisciplinarios sobre el Ambiente Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, UNAM Unidad Morelia. Morelia, Michoacán, México



Urban agriculture, urban garden, health, mental health


The present work analyzes the contributions that the practice of agriculture in the city of Morelia has on the mental health of the participants. The results shown are part of a broader investigation that addresses the different components that urban agriculture (UA) has on health and the urban environment, so at present it only develops the mental health (MH) fragment.


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How to Cite

Hernández Moreno, K. (2023). Blooming the mind in the city: How urban agriculture supports mental health. Milenaria, Ciencia Y Arte, (22), 35–37.


