Here comes the plague: the agave weevil!
pest, biological control, weevilAbstract
Scyphophorus acupunctatus, Scyphophorus acupunctatus, commonly known as the agave weevil, is considered the most important pest of this crop. In national territory, the presence of this insect has been reported in 20 agaveproducing states, including Michoacán, one of the epicenters of artisanal mezcal production. It is present throughout the year in agave plantations, mainly in the rainy season. Unfortunately, the agave industry is affected by pests and diseases, which is where this beetle stands out. Its main conventional control method has been using chemical insecticides, causing alteration in its interactions with its natural enemies, pollinators, and host plants. Today, the ideal would be to generate cultural and biological control alternatives that are more selective, safe, and compatible with the management practices of this pest.
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